Host Kathleen Sabo is joined by Dr. Will Barnes and attorney Paul Biderman to discuss ethics in everyday life.
How do we take ethics from a theoretical concept and make ethics applicable for everyday life and situations? How and why should ethics be brought into the mainstream?
Host Kathleen Sabo is joined by Dr. Will Barnes to discuss medical ethics.
Do we have an ethical responsibility to care for others as well as ourselves? Where do I end and you begin and how can medicine address this social dilemma? With a rise in individuals choosing not to use vaccines, what are the ethical implications of large groups of people choosing not to become vaccinated? Of requiring vaccinations? Does society have an ethical responsibility to provide access to medical care in an equitable manner?
Host Kathleen Sabo is joined by Dr. Will Barnes and attorney Paul Biderman to discuss the ethics of poverty, labor and work.
Is capitalism ethical? As more and more wealth is concentrated in the bank accounts of a few billionaires, do the mega rich have an ethical obligation to distribute their wealth? Is poverty ethical? With the means to reprioritize funding and to seemingly infinitely fund programs and services, is it ethical for anyone to remain in poverty? This episode will also explore a universal basic income (UBI) and if we as a society need it, or work, from an ethical standpoint.
Host Kathleen Sabo is joined by Dr. Will Barnes to discuss the ethics of immigration and immigrants.
How can ethics help to shape sound and workable immigration policy and processes? Is it ethical to criminalize persons who immigrate to the USA illegally? Is it ethical to prioritize certain immigrants over others? What could ethical immigration practices and policies look like?
Host Kathleen Sabo is joined by Dr. Will Barnes and attorney Paul Biderman to discuss the ethics of the care and education of children.
What are the general ethical issues that arise when we examine the disparities in public education across the country? The disparities in access to healthcare and opportunities for growth and advancement? What, generally, are the ethical responsibilities we owe to children? Is it ethical to concentrate on the welfare and well-being of children at the expense of other segments of the population?
Host Kathleen Sabo is joined by Dr. Will Barnes to discuss ethics and technology.
Are we paying enough attention to the ethics of technology use and availability? Do tech companies and tech users have an obligation to design, provide and employ technology ethically?
Host Kathleen Sabo is joined by Dr. Will Barnes and attorney Paul Biderman to discuss ethics within politics and government.
What does an ethical political system and government look like? What are the ethical responsibilities of our government to diffuse political divisions and unite us, when it is the leaders themselves that may sow discord? When we examine the role and reach of government, what ethical considerations arise?
Host Kathleen Sabo is joined by Dr. Will Barnes to discuss ethics and the arts.
How do the arts & humanities both shape and respond to ethics in everyday life? Do artists have an ethical obligation to tell the truth? To help us reach beyond our limitations? To soothe or arouse us? To do anything other than follow their muse
Kathleen Sabo is NMEW’s executive director and the host of EthicsNOW. Sabo is the former award-winning host/producer of the Call-In Show on KUNM Public Radio in Albuquerque. Sabo not only has journalism and broadcast experience, but is also an attorney who has specialized in legislative matters. This unique background helps her distill complicated jurisprudence into language that is easily accessible to listeners. Sabo is the recipient of multiple awards including the Society of Professional Journalists, Top of the Rockies Award, and NM Press Women’s Association and NM Broadcasters Assoc. awards. She has taught as an adjunct instructor in the Department of Communication and Journalism at the University of New Mexico (UNM).
Will Barnes Ph.D. is a comparative ethicist working with 20th-century Continental Social, Political, and Ethical Philosophy and Non-Western, especially Indo-Tibetan Buddhist, epistemology, metaphysics, and Ethics. Barnes received a B.A. in philosophy at the University of York; a Masters in Buddhist Studies at the University of London UK; an advanced graduate certificate in Sanskrit and Buddhist hermeneutics at the University of Kathmandu Nepal; and a Masters and Ph.D. in philosophy from UNM. Barnes currently teaches at The University of New Mexico.
Paul Biderman is a legal scholar with a significant background in ethics. He has a J.D. from NYU Law School and has taught many ethics classes, including a 2021 course on Basic Public Ethics Law in New Mexico, which was offered through the state’s Ethics Commission. He is also a published ethics scholar. His career includes years working in legal services, the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division and private practice. He also served as New Mexico’s Secretary of Energy and Minerals, and the director of the New Mexico Judicial Education Center. He is currently an alternate municipal judge for Santa Fe, and a state legislative aide during sessions. He also serves on the City of Santa Fe’s Ethics and Campaign Review Board.
EthicsNOW is made possible by a grant from the New Mexico Humanities Council and the generous support of KUNM public radio, 89.9 FM in Albuquerque, New Mexico; the nonpartisan, non-profit New Mexico Ethics Watch and by Davis Law New Mexico, an Albuquerque New Mexico law firm. Protecting your right to equality and fairness for over 40 years.